Arra Consultant


Arra Consultant , Berdiri sejak tahun 2015. Didirikan oleh Rachmat Sunarya yang merupakan lulusan Gunadarma , dengan pengalaman audit dan memahami proses bisnis secara utuh.

Jasa Konsultan Keuangan merupakan badan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang layanan yang tidak hanya sebatas dalam menyusun “Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan” tetapi memiliki cakupan kerja yang lebih luas kaitannya dalam Bidang Keuangan. Seperti Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan, Manajemen Keuangan, Audit Keuangan Perusahaan, Publikasi Laporan Keuangan (Laporan Keuangan Audited oleh KAP – Kantor Akuntan Publik), Konsultasi Pajak Perusahaan maupun konsultasi yang berkaitan dengan Pembiayaan atas Proposal Usulan Proyek kepada Bank.

Adapun Jasa Internal Audit, yang sangat di butuhkan oleh perusahaan, di karenakan apabila kami melakukan audit umum, maupun audit pemeriksaan. Kami melakukan verifikasi data secara historis, namun apabila kami melakukan jasa internal audit kami melakukan bersamaan dengan proses bisnis, kami telah berpengalaman untuk melakukan secara profesional, fungsi dari jasa internal audit yang kami tawarkan akan memverifikasi agar arus kas dan bank perusahaan di peruntukan untuk hal yang tepat dan benar, dan juga memastikan Standard Operational Prosedure perusahaan berjalan dengan baik dan benar. Jasa internal audit akan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan secara keuangan, yang bermuara pada efektifitas dan efisiensi perusahaan.

Jasa Konsultan Keuangan menggabungkan keahlian dan pengalaman untuk membantu dalam mengelola Rencana Bisnis Perusahaan dan pengkinian (update) Data Keuangan Perusahaan yang sangat penting untuk masa depan perusahaan menuju sukses.

Keahlian kami akan membantu perusahaan dalam menjalankan visi-misi bisnis perusahaan dengan menyiapkan Data Keuangan Perusahaan sebagai alat dalam pengambilan keputusan manajemen yang efektif.

Dalam mengembangkan skala usaha,Arra Consultant juga mempunyai hubungan kerja profesional dengan Kantor Akuntan Publik

Laporan Keuangan adalah hal yang vital bagi perusahaan untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan atau pengeluaran yang di lakukan oleh perusahaan.

Dengan adanya laporan keuangan yang tertata baik dan rapih akan memudahkan manajemen untuk membuat keputusan-keputusan yang tepat bagi pengembangan perusahaan, tidak terlepas pula dengan kewajiban yang dimiki oleh setiap bidang usaha diwilayah Indonesia untuk melakukan pelaporan pajak secara berkala.

Oleh karena itu, kami hadir untuk menawarkan jasa bagi anda sebagai entitas dan UKM atau orang pribadi yang membutuhkan Jasa Laporan Keuangan dan Konsultasi Perpajakan dalam memaksimalkan bisnis yang anda jalankan. Berikut beberapa jasa yang kami tawarkan dibawah ini :
1. Jasa Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan baik bulanan & Tahunan
Kami akan membantu menyediakan pembukuan yang handal dan dapat dipercaya. Pemilik bisnis bisa memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk berkonsentrasi pada bisnis mereka. Adapun laporan keuangan yang akan kami sediakan adalah terdiri dari :
a. Neraca (Balance Sheet).
b. Laporan Rugi / Laba (Income Statement)
c. Laporan Perubahan Equitas (Equity Statement)
d. Laporan Arus Kas (Cash Flow Statement)
e. Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan (Notes of Financial Statement)
f. Persiapan buku besar umum, bulanan dan laporan keuangan tahunan (General ledger).
2. Jasa Pembuatan Perhitungan Pajak Bulanan & Tahunan
a. Perhitungan pajak karyawan bulanan yang terdiri dari Pajak Penghasilan pasal 21 (pajak karyawan), PPh pasal 25 (pajak penghasilan badan), PPh Pasal 23/26, dan pasal 4 (2), PPN Masa.
b. Perhitungan dan penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak, yang
terdiri dari Pajak Penghasilan pasal 21 (perhitungan tahunan akhir Desember) dan Pajak Penghasilan Badan.
c. Persiapan Pembuatan Bukti Pemotongan Pajak bagi karyawan (Formulir 1721-A1).
d. Melakukan rekonsiliasi fiskal dan penyesuaian (jika ada) untuk tujuan
mempersiapkan kembali tahunan PPh Badan.
e. Korespondensi dengan kantor pajak.
3. Konsultasi Pajak.
Kami, sebagai kantor konsultan pajak, akan memberikan konsultasi perpajakan dan memberikan saran, seperti yang diminta oleh Perusahaan, dimana pandangan dan interpretasi aturan dan peraturan umum khususnya ketentuan-ketentuan yang relevan dengan usaha Perseroan. Selain itu juga kami memberikan prihal penghematan pajak (Tax Planning) yang mungkin dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan klien tanpa melanggar ketentuan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

4. Jasa Reviu Laporan Keuangan
Untuk menerapkan pelaporan keuangan sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi (SAK) yang belaku di Indonesia yaitu PSAK (Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan) kami sebagai konsultan Pelaporan keuangan akan memberikan jasa reviu laporan keuangan kepada entitas yang membutuhkan jasa tersebut.
Rp. 4.000.000 (Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan) Per Bulan
Rp 2.000.000 (Faktur Pajak, Pelaporan PPn Masa, PPh 21/26, PPh 23/26, 4 (2), PPh 22) Per Bulan
Rp. 5.000.000 (Pembuatan SPT Tahunan Badan PPh 25/29) Per Tahun Pajak
Rp. 15.000.000 (Jasa reviu laporan keuangan) Per Tahun Buku
Rp 3.500.000 (Jasa Pengurusan Pengukuhan PKP sampai dengan Sertifikat Elektronik)
Harga tersebut diatas adalah harga perkiraan, dapat berubah dan dilakukan negosiasi berdasarkan atas banyaknya jumlah transaksi rata-rata setiap bulannya.
Kami akan selalu memberikan solusi dan pelayanan terbaik bagi klien.
Kami harap kehadiran kami dapat membawa manfaat yang maksimal dalam perkembangan bisnis Anda.
Mari … Segera Konsultasikan kebutuhan Perusahaan Anda .
Rachmat Sunarya, SE
Telp : 0813 – 1188 – 3110


Tol Becakayu 2017

Semoga semua rekan terbuka hatinya.

Dlu klo lewat kalimalang ke jkt, mkir…kok bnyk tiang pancang bwt apa ya…trnyata..20 thunan bru terjawab…Surat Perintah Kerja dr thn 1996,–dan–,2017..baru selesai. Ini yang paling real untuk pilihan politik. Pikir sendiri , knp bsa bgtu.

Kembali lagi, nilai plus dari infrastruktur adalah, lancarnya mobilitas dan pesatnya kegiatan bisnis juga efisiensi energi. Dengan infrastrutur yang baik, kemacetan berkurang dan otomatis, biaya bensin (BBM) ikut berkurang.

Dengan membangun infrastruktur, maka aset indonesia bertambah , di bandingkan dananya di buang ke beban subsidi bbm dalam Laba rugi di lap.keu negara.

Hebat, Bu menteri keuangan dalam mengelola keuangan negara.

Seandainya, jalanan di bekasi msh tanah dan berbatu kerikil, apakah bisa meyakinkan investor untuk membangun pabrik,apartemen, mall, dll ?? *mikir keras

Dengan infrastruktur yang terbangun, maka investor dr jepang, arab, tiongkok, eropa dan amerika, akan melihatnya menjadi nilai plus . Yang di harapkan mereka akan menginvestasikan , (pabrik) produksinya di sini.

Impactnya apa??? Dengan menjadikan bekasi pusat produksi dan pusat bisnis, yang pastinya pendapatan daerah untuk pajak akan meningkat, dan juga putra-putri bekasi di prioritaskan menjadi tenaga kerja dan pemimpin di lingkup bisnis trsebut.

Yang, ane tau…mungkin udah ada 20an proyek apartemen di bekasi yang , muncul akibat di bangunnya infrastruktur LRT dan tol becakayu ini.

Logika gampangnya gini :
# Infrastruktur OK—>>>investasi masuk—>>Lap.kerja terbuka —->>>Pajak daerah meningkat—->>> biaya kesehatan dan pendidikan gratis—>>> bahan makanan pokok murah—->>>rakyat bahagia

SO ??? msh mkir bangun infrastrukur,,ga guna??..yuk sini kita baca komik detektif conan biar kalem..wkwkwk

Ya semoga, warga bekasi…semakin tentram dan nyaman hidupnya, dengan di tambah nanti bnyk infrastruktur yg akan di bangun.



Auditor Bekasi

26 Oktober 2017..hmmm

Ga kerasa udh lebih dr 3 thn jd auditor
masih junior, ampe naik step nanti pas udh 5 thn 😀
Auditor keuangan itu intinya, menyajikan Laporan keuangan perusahaan yang dimana fungsi Laporan Keuangan adalah untuk koreksi internal atas kinerja dan juga sebagai acuan/pedoman pengambilan keputusan top manajemen langkah apa yang akan di ambil perusahaan, kedepannya. juga untuk SPT Bdan, dan ke Bank


Terkadang ada juga sih spesial audit, yaitu memeriksa seluruh kegiatan sebuah perusahaan, apakah semua berjalan sesuai SOP atau terjadi penyelewengan dari sebuah kegiatan operasional perusahaan, maupun mengecek semua pencatatan keuangan apakah sesuai dengan SAK-ETAP.


Nah klo ada spesial audit itu,,paling seru….Untungnya, pernah jadi operator produksi selama 4 thn, jadi paham bener2,, step dr awal hingga ke pucuk.


Interview Auditte, kadang2 lucu..pen ktwa dlm hati..tapi mejaga profesionalisme. Terlihat Muka tegang dan serba salah, terlihat dari raut wajah mereka. Takut apa2 di laporin..he3. Oleh kami semua keadaan di perhatiin satu persatu, penerawangan sekitar,,jgn ampe lewat…catet dan cekrek-foto :>wkwkwk…. Profesi ini paling seru, berasa Detektif..ha3


Intinya, bwt anda2 yang bekerja…bekerjalah dengan baik dan benar. Insya allah semua akan baik2 saja. Jangan sampai semua ada yg di tutupi, krn ketika team audit dtg,,,selesai semua.


Pernah audit Perusahaan buat sepatu ,perusahaan bkin buku, apartemen mewah, perusahaan importir, perusahaan property,perusahaan dagang, Tour and travel, perusahaan perminyakan tambang,koperasi,,dan//….bnyak lah,,,ha3..intinya, setiap badan usaha ataupun  perkumpulan orang yang mengumpulkan uang, Pasti membutuhkan Lap.Keu…krn di snilah pertanggung jwaban pengurus di uji. Nah, semua udh pernah di udek2…jd..kurleb, tau lah..gmn create..perusahaan  suatu hri nanti..ha3..amin


Januari sampe juni, adalah waktu2 sibuknya KAP, krn di sana…di mulai dengan pelaporan pajak spt badan,,dan juga di bulan juni setiap perusahaan yng memiliki kewajiban di BANK, wajib memberikan LK.nya.


Utungnya dlu di Gundar, kursus system komputer akutansi(Myob) dan kursus brevet a dan b,di tambah pernah punya pengalaman staff IT , jd..mkin greng sama kerjaan ini. Kepake semua, ilmunya.


Bener kata Senior dlu pas kerja di staff IT. KLo Lulusan Ekonomi itu,..minimal paham 1.Komputer 2. Akuntansi  3. B.Inggris


Joss lah…di tambah perpaduan 4 thn jd op.produksi Makin..kinclong////ha3, Pengetahuan teknik dan administratif….PAS


Dulu ga pernah kebayang, bisa meeting sma direksi, pemegang saham dll.
pegangannya cuman kaen pel(majun),obeng, baut, sama, alat las.


Pas lg ngepel liat org jepang,jln trus nginjek lantai yg abis di pel..cuman bsa berdoa..smga w bsa sejajar ama mreka dan ternyata skrg..mreka yg btuh w..bsa duduk 1 meja skrg..ha3


Semua, ada jalannya..tapi kalau kita gak ada usaha w yakin ga bakal ada jalan.

Terima Kasih untuk keluarga, ibu, dan istri..yang selalu mendukung dan mendoakan
Ya, tepat di hari ini, anak Ke-2 w…baru berumur 1 bulan.

love you alief- keyarra

Semoga semua semakin berkah dan amanah.
Sekian dlu, berbagi cerita di okt.2017
CU :*


Keadaan Berubah Karena Hinaan


Ini adalah tulisan, di tahun 2017 dan kurang lebih gua akan bercerita setelah gua lulus dari SMA.


yaps, gua lulus SMA di tahun 2007, tepatnya sebuah SMA Negeri di Bekasi,

Okeh, sekilas Flashback mengenai keadaan  di SMA , yang masuk IPA, dan semua berawal dari keberuntungan…ha3.

Ketika menjelang UN, di situ gua bener2 ga bisa apa2… ngerjain aja palingan dapet nilai 3. dari skala 10…ha3

Tapi ya mau gmn lagi, segitu aja kemampuan gua dalam mengisi soalnya,… di saat yang laen les untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus a.k.a upgrade level. gua ga bisa, karena emang ORtu gua ga bsa untuk biayaain gua dalam les, ini itu..ha3… ya mau gmn lagi keadaan ekonomi keluarga gua emang sedang ga bagus, ketika itu.

OK, kemudian pernah satu momen gua maju ke depan ngerjain soal MTK, dan gua ga bisa ngerjain, akhirnya di suruh berdiri 1 jam sambil madep papantulis, jeng-jeng…ketika itu Wali kelas gua, bilang ,,”hanya KEAJAIBAN yang akan membuat kamu lulus dari UN”,, OK Fix, itu adalah hinaan , yang kesekian kalinya untuk gua dalam mengarungi kehidupan yang keras ini…ha3


Next, ketika UN dan segala macam upaya dan DOA, akhirnya…gua bisa mendapatkan nilai UN yang cemerlang , B.Ind 8, MTK 7, dan 10. (skala 10)

Ya itu lah hinaan yang membuat gua mendapatkan nilai seperti itu,…ha3

Kemudian, setelah lulus dan mendaftar kuliah kesana kemari, mulai dari STAN<UI<UNJ//…semua worst gatot…wkwkw

skip aja, langsung di akhir tahun 2007 gua bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan di perusahaan otomotof roda 2,,…… dan lumayan lah bisa mengumpulkan pundi2 uang untuk bisa merasakan indahnya dunia..ha3

2010, masuk lagi kerja di perusahaan otomotif roda 4. Dan jeng-jeng…di tahun 2011, gua di persiapkan untuk menikah…yaps222…. inilah jalan hidup gua, dan gua jalani dengan bahagia..ha3

ketika akan meminta ijin untuk cuti nikah,,,jeng2-jeng…gile bener ada atasan gua yang ngatain hidup gua,,.. dan begini katanya “kamu itu gmn sih, masih anak kontrak aja berani nikah, bakalan hancur hidup kamu,”.////

???? damn, i hate that’s word…dan sampai saat ini  masih jelas kata2,,itu di telinga w 😀

Ok, hinaan ke-2 dalam hidup gua, diterima dengan baik oleh gua 🙂 gagakakgkgk

dan…finally, di tahun 2012 gua masuk kuliah di Gunadarma dengan jrusan manajemen S1,,,di lanjutkan dengan kesibukan bekerja,kuliah,dan berkeluarga 🙂

Difase ini, semua lemparan batu hinaan , gua jadikan dinding kesuksesan untuk diri w :)…gua bener2 belajar dan menghargai semua yang ada…

akhirnya di tahun 2016 Okt,  gua bisa mendapatkan gelar S.E

dan sekarang gua bekerja sebagai Auditor Keuangan.



masih ingin berharap bertemu dengan atasan gua, yang tempo hari bilang hidup gua akan hancur, dan bertemu wali kelas gua, yang bilang hanya keajaiban yang bkin gua lulus UN,,,, Come on…world >>:>:

ini adalah dunia, dan kita hanya punya waktu 60 tahun, hanya waktu yang sebentar, dan pergunakan hidup untuk hal2 yang baik dan berguna untuk semua orang.

Terima kasih sudah membaca ., tulisan yang sangat bruk ini..ha3.


Tugas Kelompok Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2







Agustinus Tri Hartono                                        10212411

Dwi Lillah Dhamayanti                                                12212290

Eggy Febrian                                                      12212382

Rachmat Sunarya                                               15212835

Siti Hindun                                                                    17212056

Sandy Dwi Putra                                                 1A213715

Haris Andrianto                                                13212320

Bambang Sudoro                                                  11212363

Andry Sugianto                                                      10212854





Universitas Gunadarma

Fakultas Ekonomi

Jurusan S1 Manajemen





1.1 Background


Industrial development in producing slippers sandals and slippers imitation leather at the present time is quite fast, because people in the world need slippers. Be it to protect themselves from dust, dirt as well as personal prestige. This will lead to competition among companies sandals. This is evidenced by the increasing number of departments strore in Jakarta and other areas in Indonesia. And they both want to give the best. And each has advantages in its products.


With the state of the market increasingly overrun by an assortment of products, it can cause the effect to consumers, especially in carrying out the purchase. That is their tendency to be more careful in choosing a product. The foregoing will encourage employers to be able to further improve the quality of its products.


In reality that is so, it can be said that the company can survive is a company that managed to find a buyer. And to get the buyer, it is necessary for the company in a very effective marketing strategy. So if the marketing strategy can be implemented either by the company, the addition will further accelerate the refund or the capital that has been issued by the company, and the benefits to be obtained, will give great hope also to hold the increase in efforts to promote the company, or at least can cope with competition. So it is obvious that the implementation of the marketing strategy is very important in a company’s overall marketing.


On the basis of these reasons, the authors are interested in performing scientific writing under the title “MARKETING STRATEGY PT. ARIZONA IN BUSINESS SALES INCREASE SANDALS “.


1.2 Problem Formulation


In this paper, the authors wanted to give the subject matter to be discussed is about how the implementation of marketing strategies used by PT. Arizona in an effort to increase sales of products slippers.


1.3 Limitations


In this case, the author will give a boundary problem only on the implementation of marketing strategies used by PT. Arizona in an effort to increase sales of products slippers. There is no data presented that data of turnover PT. Arizona in 1998 and 2002.


1.4 Purpose


The purpose of the writer take the title above is intended as follows:


  1. To know the implementation of marketing strategies used by PT. Arizona in an effort to increase sales of products slippers.
  2. To determine the level of sales achieved PT. Arizona during 1998 to 2002.

1.5 Methodology Writing


In order to formulate scientific writing, the data obtained by the authors need or methods as follows:


  1. Field Studies
  2. interview

Ie by holding a question and answer directly to some employees and managers that have to do with oyek scientific writing.

  1. Observation

Namely conducting research by direct observation of the activities of the company.


  1. Study Library

Namely the collection of theories from books as literature relevant to scientific writing.


1.6 Systematics Writing


To facilitate the understanding of this writing, the authors decompose into several sections, among others:



In this chapter briefly describes the background of the problem, the problem formulation, problem definition, the purpose of writing, writing methodology, and systematics writing.






Theoretical explanations on matters relating to the discussion that contains the terms of marketing, understanding the marketing mix, marketing strategy definition, implementation of marketing strategies and understanding of SWOT analysis.



In this chapter the author describes the general description of the company which will include a brief history of the company, the company’s organizational structure and description as well as the production process and production.



This chapter is a discussion section that contains the implementation of marketing strategies, sales growth rate from 1998 to 2002 and a SWOT analysis.



The author tries to draw conclusions briefly and try to give advice that is expected to provide benefits for PT. Arizona.







2.1 Definition of Marketing


In the modern world economy, particularly companies that produce goods and services and trading company, the main problem frequently encountered is the attempt to distribute or market their goods and services traded or produced it to a third-party purchaser or consumer need. To be successful distribution or marketing of goods and services required a science or the best way and that’s what we call marketing or marketing.


But the marketing term that comes from the market (market), not simple understanding. Marketing not only covers the world market alone but more than that. Marketing discuss any matter that lives within the corporate community. For most marketing covering the market organization in the broadest sense is not only about products goods but also services regarding services products.


Here the author provides a definition put forward by marketing experts, meaning that can be given a clear understanding of the meaning of marketing it.


Drs. Private Basu D. H. MBA (1992: 72) simply provides the following definition: “Marketing is an activity that drives the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumer or end-user.


“According to William J. Stanton (1994: 34),” Marketing is a whole system of business activities aimed at planning, pricing, promoting and distributing goods and services that satisfy the needs of both the buyers existing and to potential buyers. ”


According to Philip Kotler (1996: 98), “Marketing is the analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring of programs intended to hold these exchanges with target markets with a view to achieve organizational goals.”


From this definition it can be concluded that Marketing is the attainment of organizational goals and objectives as well as activities related to the process of delivering goods and services from production to the end users (consumers).


Thus marketing activities it is produced goods or services that can be distributed to the parties so that the buyer will not happen buildup which means futility of these efforts.


The concept in the future, based on the philosophy as follows:

  1. Marketing must become a strategic business concept that can provide continuing satisfaction not only on immediate gratification. For that three parties are mutually interested in the company are customers, employees and business owners.
  2. Marketing to be a “soul”, not just one member of the body of the company.
  3. There are three main values, namely:

– The most important brands of the products are brand because essentially the buyers (consumers) to buy a brand is not a product.

– Owner of the company must be involved in the process of satisfying the customer.

– The relationship between the owner of the company, employees and customers is a chain that can not be severed and there should be reciprocal.

With keutungan enough, should the leadership of the company, at least not give bonuses or incentives to employees to enforce it humanely.



2.2 Definition of Marketing Mix


Or Marketing Mix marketing mix variables are controlled can be used by companies to reach consumers who are the target market.


Drs. Private Basu D. H. MBA (1986: 17) in his book Modern Marketing Management states that “The marketing mix is a combination of four variables or activities that constitute the core of the company’s marketing system, namely: product, price structure, promotional activities and distribution systems.


Marketing mix is what is at the core of marketing strategy consists of four main components:

  1. Product (Product)
  2. Price (Price)
  3. Place Place)
  4. Promotion (Promotion)


Fourth aforementioned components can be combined in finding the best formulas to be applied in the company’s marketing strategy.

  1. Product (Product)

Product is everything that is offered to the market to get attention, purchase or consumption are consumers, which includes physical objects, services, places, people and organizations.

The most essential thing in marketing is how to meet the needs and desires of consumers to the fullest, how companies can make products with good quality, but with keeping down production costs as much as possible.

Because of these product transformation processes of customer satisfaction can always be in physical form but includes everything that is able to rate the satisfaction of the consumers in the market. But without ignoring the practical values that exist, a product called good if it can satisfy the needs and desires to the fullest.


  1. Price (Price)

Drs. Private Basu D. H MBA (1986: 147) argues that “price is the amount of money (plus a few items that may be) required to obtain a number of combinations of items and their ministry.”

Interest pricing strategies are:

  1. Obtain maximum profit

The price is determined by the seller and the buyer. The greater the purchasing power of consumers, the greater the possibility for the seller to set a higher price level. Thus sellers have hope for maximum benefit to existing conditions.


  1. To obtain a certain market share

Interest gain market share to achieve the increase in the rate of profit in the future, and if the market will atercapai sensitive (sensitive) to the prices, so lower prices may encourage the rapid growth of the market. This is because the low price will attract buyers.


  1. Flushed Market (Market Skimming)

Mangambil companies benefit from the availability of buyers pay higher prices from other buyers, because the price offered gives a higher value for them.


  1. Place (Place)

The so-called distribution channels are institutions that have a distributor or dealer activities of distributing goods or services from producers to consumers. There are several factors to consider in the choice of distribution channels, namely:

  1. The type and nature of the product
  2. The nature of potential consumers
  3. the nature of competition
  4. Channel itself


All these factors need to be considered in the success of marketing activities, especially in the distribution of products from producers to consumers hand effectively, timely and needed by consumers with good quality. With such a strategy can be expected that the level of sales will increase.


  1. Promotion (Promotion)

The core of the marketing mix is promotion, because with this promotion will take place communication between producers and consumers in making a purchase.

According to Philip Kotler (1991: 89), “Promotion is an activity undertaken to provide and attract the attention of potential consumers to the product produced by the company, giving rise to the interest to buy. ‘

Promotion is one of the variables of the marketing mix is crucial held companies in marketing their products. A product is very useful but if not known by consumers that will not be known benefits and may be purchased by consumers.


2.3 Definition of Marketing Strategy


Success or failure of a company is determined by a grand strategy or core strategy. If this core strategy has been wrong or ineffective, then the technical implementation of the most baikpun become useless, said by Alex D. Tryana MBA (1986: 17).


Furthermore, it also said, basically a marketing strategy included the strategy of product and market strategies, all of which is an attempt by the company to familiarize themselves regularly and choose what products and their markets will be marketed, based on the consideration of the situation of the environment.


Then formulated also about marketing tactics in relation to the marketing strategy in an attempt to market the product. Where mentioned is a business marketing tactics that lead to action and decision-making stages and secluded almost done every day in every part.


Drs. Private Basu DH. MBA (1986: 287) argues that the marketing strategy is an important activity in marketing activities that include:


  1. Research and Market Analysis.

Namely activities to obtain information about the state of the market, both the present situation and the possibilities that will happen in time to come.


  1. Product Development

Namely activities to develop products to satisfy the customers as well as the possibility of the company to use the capacity of the product completely.


  1. Determination of Price

Namely the activities set product prices based on costs and market factors such as distribution channels, given the price cuts, price level requested by a competitor, the ability or willingness of customers to pay and so on.


  1. Promotion

Namely activities to introduce the goods produced and efforts to influence consumers through promotional mix.


  1. Distribution in Distribution

Ie activities related to the business of delivering goods from producers to consumers. The goal is to keep the goods always be easily purchased by consumers who want to buy them wherever they are.


Thus it is clear that marketing is important for the company. For the survival of the company depends on the marketing. However, any activity in marketing can not simply be separated from other activities within the company.


Regarding its own marketing strategy, Philip Kotler (1985: 301) says as follows:

“The marketing strategy is a basic approach that will be used by the business unit in achieving the goals that have been set in advance, in it contained basic decisions about the target market, product positioning in the market, marketing mix and marketing costs required level”.


In a market that has a level siatuasi keen competition, the implementation of effective marketing strategy is needed. Because in this situation, in fact only those companies that have a marketing strategy that is more than any other company in exploiting market opportunities, which will gain market share is greater than the existing market.


2.4 Application of Marketing Strategy


Application of marketing strategy should be oriented on three main points, namely:

  1. Choose your target consumers.
  2. Identifying their wishes.
  3. Determine the marketing mix.


Implementation of this strategy is the company’s long-term plan that is used as a guide for marketing.

  1. Choose your target consumers.

The initial step of a company in running its marketing program is to establish the target consumers. Companies should clearly define who the consumers. Target consumers are individuals who must satisfy their needs.

To set the target consumer will be able to use three different kinds of alternative strategies that can be the company are:


  1. Undifferentiated Marketing is a company attempting to review the overall market, satisfying the similarities in consumer demand, which is based on the strategy of austerity and appointment aimed at the largest segment in the market.
  2. Differentiated Marketing is the company trying to identify groups of certain buyers to divide the market into two or more groups, but the shortcomings of this strategy is the costs include research and development costs to modify the product consists of the production costs, storage costs and promotion costs.
  3. Concentrated Marketing is the only company to focus its marketing efforts on one or a few groups only.

From the foregoing, it is generally the company would prefer to enter some segments of the market to avoid the risks that they face.


  1. Identifying Consumer Interest

Activity identify consumer needs requires the right advice, convening a market research. The activities of this market research to determine consumer after dividing it in certain segments, it takes a special knowledge of the cost is not small. So that later will know the tastes of consumers in determining the type of products they need, shape, price and others.




  1. Determine the Marketing Mix

Marketing mix or marketing mix is a combination of important elements in marketing that can be used to develop a marketing strategy as effectively as possible.

According to Drs. Private Basu marketing mix is a combination of four variables or activities that constitute the core of the company’s marketing system, namely product, price structure, promotional activities and distribution systems.


  1. Product

Description of the product include physical forms of marketing, product branding, packaging, warranty and servicing, as well as sales. To be able to distinguish the sense of these items, it will be the authors describe below.

Consumer goods were divided into three groups:

  1. Consumer goods are goods purchased for consumption with the purchase based on consumer buying habits and the consumer is the final consumer.
  2. Confinience goods (goods that is easy to use, can be changed anywhere). Example: soap and others.
  3. Shopping goods (goods that must be sought first if you want to buy it). Example: textiles, furniture and others.
  4. Special items (items that have certain characteristics). Example; antiques, luxury vehicles.


  1. Industrial goods are goods purchased for reprocessing or in other words are used in industrial activity.

Industrial goods are divided into five categories:

  1. Raw materials (a staple to make other goods). Example: cotton, iron.
  2. Components of intermediate goods (the goods have entered the production process). Example: yarn to clothe.
  3. Item operation equipment (used to help smooth the process of production). Example: wrench tools to form a product.
  4. Agencies (main production tool to produce a production). Example: the weaving machine.
  5. extra equipment (equipment used to aid agencies). Example: tip goods.


  1. Price

After the determination of the type of product, the next step is pricing. For more consumer goods demand-oriented, with the assumption that if the price is raised, the demand will be reduced and if the price is lowered, it will increase demand. However, challenges, situations and conditions that affect consumers.


  1. promotion

Promotion is the flow of information or persuasion in one direction in marketing activities aimed at implementing the consumer. In essence, this activity is divided in the form or variables:

  1. Advertising; the form of percentages and non personal promotion of ideas, goods and services are paid for by a particular sponsor.
  2. Personal selling; the percentage of the scope in the mail conversation with a prospective buyer who intended to create sales.
  3. Publicity; driving demand for non personal goals for a product or service or an idea by using a conventional news in mass media.
  4. Promotion of sales; marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising and publicity-publicity drive purchases by consumers and retailers effectiveness.


  1. Distribution

Distribution channel is something that is traversed by the flow of goods from manufacturer to middleman and finally to the user.

The use of this distribution channel can not be separated from consideration of the type of transport that is effective, also considering the need of insurance risks and the costs required.


2.5 Definition of a SWOT Analysis


Analysis of the situation is beginning the process of strategy formulation. SWOT is a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization, all of which are strategic factors. So says J. David Hunger and Thomas L. Wheelen (193: 1996).


So SWOT analysis should define the competence of the rare companies that is a certain expertise and resources that are owned by a company with a superior way they use. Competence rare sometimes considered a set of core capabilities that strategically capacity to create a company to be different.








  1. 1 A Brief History of the Company


  1. Arizona is a company engaged in the sandal industry, by producing sandals kind of imitation leather sandals and slippers. The company is up and running in 1972 and based in Jalan Muara Lebak No. 19-20, Pasar Jaya, Bogor Barat.


For over 30 years, this company has experienced ups and downs in their business development in line with the development of the business world in Indonesia. In sales, the company made progress in the period of 1979-1987.


In 1991, the company had received orders coming from abroad, namely Abudhabi. The slippers can be abroad for an Indonesian citizen wear at once spread the news about the sandals that besides comfortable to wear, sandals are also very simple. But sales to Abudhabi did not last long, because the sandal company produced less favored by some local residents.


For the period 1988-1996 the business is in a stable condition means that profits are not too big nor too big. But in 1997 the company suffered losses, due to the monetary crisis hit Indonesia.


At first PT. Arizona only produce local specialty course with the marketing area only about the area of Bogor and Jakarta, Pasar Baru, Bukit Duri, Klender and the City. But along with the times and the number of consumer demand, then around 2000 PT. Arizona expanding its market by accepting orders for Pasuruan, Semarang and Ternate. This year, PT. Arizona also develops its products by producing leather slippers, but in accordance with customer orders.


3.2 Organizational Structure


The organizational structure of the company carried out to determine the duties and functions of each of the workers clearly. And aligned to the business activities of making these slippers can run well and smoothly.


In structural, organizational structure PT. Arizona is as follows:

  1. Director

The duties and authority of the Director are:

  1. Is solely responsible for all operational activities of the company.
  2. Provide duty and authority to all parts of the duties and responsibilities that must be executed.


  1. Parts Production

Duties and authority that must run production parts, namely:

  1. Fully responsible for the production activities in order to avoid discontinue production.
  2. Giving duties and obligations on production employees on activities to be carried out.
  3. Report all activities of production processes that run to the Director.




  1. Section Marketing

Things that the duty and authority by marketing departments include:

  1. Fully responsible for the marketing activities.
  2. Provides reports on marketing activities that run to the Director.


  1. Financial Section

This section has a duty and a responsibility that should be run, such as:

  1. Fully responsible for all activities related to finance and administration.
  2. Reports on the financial and administrative employee to Director.


  1. Employees

Employees have a duty and responsibility as follows:

  1. Duties and authority defined by the management company























Figure 3.1

Organizational structure of the company

  1. Arizona















Production Departement
Marketing Departement
Finance Departement

















Source: PT. Arizona















3.3 Production Process and Production


Production Process slippers PT. Arizona consists of several stages:

  1. Section Marketing

This section is in charge of receiving orders orders. After oeder order to obtain, directly submitted to the Design and Cutting.


  1. Section Design and Cutting

This section is in charge of drafting (pattern) sandals in accordance with the existing pattern or in accordance with the order and the time required. Then the material is cut according to the pattern for the next submitted to the Sol Making Up.


  1. Making the Sol Top

With materials that have been cut, this section makes slippers are sol sol top and sandals found on the surface, to be completed parts Manufacture Sol Down.


  1. Making the Sol Down

This section tasked with completing sandal paste on the bottom slippers insoles and soles at the top of the sandal.


  1. Section Packing

This section is in charge of preparing the goods or completed orders produced in places that have been provided.







While products produced by PT. Arizona namely sandals and slippers imitation leather with Arizona brand, described as follows:

  1. Imitation Sandal

This sandal is a type of sandal that was first produced by PT. Arizona for the women. But for men, the slippers can be obtained by ordering. For reservations, slippers sizes can be ordered with one of size or glow with different prices. Model and color can be ordered according to the wishes of consumers.


  1. Leather Sandal

This sandal type is a new sandal company produced in 2000. These sandals are manufactured for men and women, but these slippers only in accordance with the order. For the size, model, and color of slippers as well as sandals imitation







4.1. Application of Marketing Strategy


  1. Arizona is a company producing slippers, especially sandals and slippers imitation leather. To be able to run the implementation of marketing strategies, planning is necessary to be done by the company prior to market products slippers, which must first be carried out surveys or market research by the company. Surveys or market research conducted by PT. Arizona is intended to determine how much interest consumers against product imitation slippers and sandals, especially leather sandals that will be marketed by the company. In addition to knowing the interest of consumers to the product to be marketed, market surveys or market research also serves to determine how much force the competitors to be faced by the company.


After conducting market surveys or market research to conduct marketing activities, further PT. Arizona implement these plans by using the following marketing strategies:

  1. Product strategy

The state of competition between companies with each other forcing every entrepreneur to establish a better product strategy, it means producing goods that truly meet consumer tastes good quantity, quality and price in the market for PT. Arizona.

In producing the goods, PT. Arizona always pay attention to the tastes of consumers because consumer tastes in the purchase will affect the company. Before producing company PT. Arizona has always conducted research, was addressed to it – as follows:

– The amount of material produced

– Quality of materials

– Model slippers

– Introducing the purchasing power and consumer tastes

In producing sandals and slippers imitation leather PT. Arizona always makes planning with the intention that the goods produced sold. Requests to determine the quantity of goods produced by PT. Arizona has always pay attention to the circumstances:

– The development of models available in the market

– The condition of the economy, in general, including the purchasing power of consumers

– Channels of distribution, how to distribute the goods on time

– Hold a meeting with associates

So the resulting product is determined by the tastes of the market or a market mechanism, which is more emphasis on market orientation so that the goods are produced in accordance with the will of consumers.


  1. Pricing Strategy

In the implementation of marketing, every company implementing marketing strategies appropriate selling prices, intended to benefit the most good for the company.

Success or failure of business activities is highly dependent on the appropriateness of setting the selling price. Setting the selling price by PT. Arizona that takes into account factors – factors of production costs, which the company if you want to sell production must calculate how much it cost incurred by the company.

Having regard to the cost – the cost of production then in this case the company PT. Arizona uses cost plus pricing method (Cost Plus Pricing Method), where the selling price is determined by the number of production costs incurred by the company plus the income earned from the company

Selling price determination requires PT. Arizona not to raise prices, with the aim to dominate the market in a rival. Therefore, PT. Arizona make savings on production costs incurred and do efficiency in the company in order to be competitive prices so by the pricing policy is expected the company will be able to increase sales volume from year to year.

Thus the PT. Arizona will be able to calculate how much profit the company achieved a cost incurred by the company is not too big, so that consumers can buy relatively cheap.

In addition to setting the selling price using the cost plus pricing method, PT. Arizona also perform pricing such as:

– Rebates or discounts, namely the policy of price cuts made by PT. Arizona to provide discounts to employees by 25%, and regular customers up to 30%, while the new subscriptions only given the 20% discount for large purchases.




  1. Distribution channel

As a company engaged in the sandal industry that is growing, PT. Arizona aware of the position of marketing is very important to improve the quality of service to consumers by providing services and good quality guaranteed.

Distribution system of goods made by PT. Arizona is conducting the direct distribution of goods to the buyer, which is illustrated in the chart below:





Figure 4.1

Direct Distribution Channels


In this direct distribution, consumers can directly buy into PT. Arizona, usually buy direct are wholesalers, which purchase directly goods or products in large quantities. In addition, consumers or customers can also order directly to the manufacturer via fax, mail or telephone long distance, as is usually the buyer who first contacted PT. Arizona.

But PT. Arizona also apply to the distribution channel through an intermediary, illustrated by the scheme below:







Figure 4.2

Indirect Distribution Channel


To deliver the goods from the factory to the consumer through the agency distributors, namely retailers, the company has set procedures for the sale of goods is through the dealer, where the dealer must make arrangements in sale and purchase transactions to the producers, in addition, if the goods are unsold goods can be returned to the manufacturer with a note that they are not damaged.

While the delivery of goods made by PT. Arizona to areas outside of Java such as Pasuruan, Semarang and Ternate is by transporting land transport and sea transport. In addition to the transport outside the island of Java, the delivery of goods within the city transportation company uses its own by using the truck for delivery of goods in the city, but for the shipment of goods outside the island more use courier or cargo.


  1. Promotion strategies

Promotion is an activity that is run producers in order to introduce products and increase the volume of sales, in addition to facing competition.

To create an increase in sales volume, the promotional activities carried out by PT. Arizona is the sales promotion of them by holding a discount or special discounts for employees of PT. Arizona as well as consumers or customers remained PT. Arizona and customers or new customers when melakukakan purchase products in bulk.




4.2 Trend of Sales of the Year 1998-2002


In increasing sales, PT. Arizona implement a marketing strategy, which the marketing strategy used is the product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and promotional strategies. In implementing the marketing strategy, PT. Arizona market production of goods is always a plan, so that goods produced sold.


The data of the sales achieved by PT. Arizona over the past five years between the period of 1998 to 2002 period are as follows:

table 4.1

Trend of Sales PT. Arizona

1998 – Year 2002


Years Sales

(in millions)


Increase / decrease %
















Source : PT. Arizona



From Table 4.1 shows that the level of sales in 1998 of slippers products PT. Arizona reached Rp. 2.95773 billion. While in 1999 the number of the sales of these products increased, reaching sales revenue of 3.07604 billion, more tingggi Rp. 118 310 000 or 4%. This is because in 1998 there has been a prolonged economic crisis in Indonesia and it is very influential on the level of product sales slippers PT. Arizona.


The company tried to re-apply the right marketing strategy and continue to conduct business relationships with regular customers and for own nascent self-confidence of consumers and customers to keep using the product sandals PT. Arizona, the company can survive in the midst of economic crisis that is happening in Indonesia at that time.


In 2000 PT. Arizona implement marketing strategies more aggressively again. The company expand its market by opening its market network in marketing their products kesejumlah areas such as Pasuruan, Semarang and Ternate. This makes the results of the company’s sales increased by Rp. 338 360 000 or 11% of the sales of Rp. 3.4144 billion.


In 2001 PT. Arizona continue to reform and efficiency of the company’s performance in all areas, the sales of the company also continues to increase is the result of sales of Rp. 4.06314 billion, up 19%, an increase of Rp. 648 740 000.



And until in 2002, PT. Arizona continued to gain increased sales revenue of 28% or higher by Rp. 1.13768 billion with sales revenue of Rp. 5.20082 billion.


The increase in sales from 1999 to 2002 partly due to the implementation of proper marketing strategy by PT. Arizona. Besides, the company expanded its market by opening its market network to various regions namely Pasuruan, Semarang and Ternate.


4.2 SWOT Analysis


SWOT Analysis is an analysis that is used by companies to find alternatives and strategies that will be used by the company in achieving its goals. The factors SWOT analysis of PT. Arizona namely:


  1. Strengths (Strength)

Factors internal power PT. Arizona is:

– Products that changing times and in accordance with consumer tastes.

– Product price is slightly cheaper than competitors

– Products can be purchased easily by consumers

– Management of a company that is well organized



  1. Weaknesses (Weakness)

Factors of weakness PT. Arizona, among others:

– Less vigorous campaign carried out in order to influence consumer purchase of the product sandals

– At least invertor which invest in companies

– Some workers are less skilled in designing products


  1. Opportunities (Opportunity)

Which belong to the external opportunities owned by PT. Arizona in marketing products slippers include:

– Products manufactured have a good quality at an affordable price

– Location of the strategic location of the company

– Start Events improving economy in Indonesia lately

– Companies can create jobs


  1. Treaths (Threats)

Things that belong to the threats that will be experienced PT. Arizona namely:

– More and more are induustri-sandal industry in Indonesia

– The unstable political situation in Indonesia today

– The market situation is still sluggish and the exchange rate is not stable

– The incessant promotion by competitors


Based on the factors mentioned above, it can be the analysis that in implementing its marketing strategy, PT. Arizona wearing powers held by the company and try to develop the opportunities he had. Meanwhile, in anticipation of the munngkin failure experienced by the company, the company tried to improve the weaknesses that are owned by the company and anticipate the threats it will face.

From the SWOT factors in PT. Arizona above, it can be made a SWOT matrix PT. Arizona, which is illustrated by the table below:


Table 4.3.1

SWOT matrix PT. Arizona


Key Factor Strong (S)

·   Production according to consumer tastes

• The price of the product a little cheaper

• Products can be purchased with ease

• Management


Weakness (W)

• Less vigorous promotion

• At least investors who invest

• Some workers are less skilled designing products

Oppurtunity (O)

· Products of good quality and reasonably priced

• The layout of strategic locations

• Economic conditions improved in Inodonesia

• Can create jobs




SO strategy

• Maintaining product quality

• Maintain product prices remain cheaper

• Opening a branch in a strategic location

WO strategy

• Promoting a more vigorous

• Increase knowledge or training less skilled workers



Threats (T)

Industry-similar industries more

• The political situation in Indonesia is not yet stable

• The rupiah exchange rate is not stable

• Promotion of competitors intensified

ST strategy

• Improving the quality of products according to consumer tastes

• Maintain product prices remain cheaper

·        • Increase the promotion of better quality

WT strategy

• Optimize the performance of employees

• Determine the target consumers for the lower middle class









5.1 Conclusion


Based on the description that has the writer explained in advance, the authors try to draw the following conclusion:


  1. PT. Arizona implementing several marketing strategies namely product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channel strategy, and promotional strategies. The marketing strategies used it is quite appropriate, because it can be seen that the sales of products slippers PT. Arizona increased from 1999 to 2002.


  1. In mid-1999 to 2002 the level of product sales slippers PT. Arizona has increased. This happens because the company implemented a marketing strategy that is quite right. The company also opened its market opportunities by marketing products slippers to Pasuruan, Semarang and Ternate.


  1. In implementing its marketing strategy, PT. Arizona wearing strengths of the company and try to develop the opportunities he had. Meanwhile, in anticipation of a possible failure experienced by the company, the company tried to improve the weaknesses that are owned and anticipate threats to be faced.






5.2 Suggestions


At the end of this scientific writing, the writer wanted to try to convey some suggestions that might be useful for PT. Arizona, among others:


  1. In the face of competition, the company should have to put more emphasis on the implementation of marketing strategies used to further increase sales of its products. This can be done by promoting the advantages of the new products that will be marketed by using promotional tools to more.


  1. For the foreseeable future, PT. Arizona is expected to maintain a good image, and always strive to produce new products in accordance with the changing times or according to prevailing fashion trends.


  1. In terms of the distribution, the company should be able to do it better, so that customers can purchase products slippers PT. Arizona easily. So in addition to the distribution went smoothly also support the company’s goals in an effort to increase sales.


  1. Should PT. Arizona still create positive image of the product sandal by increasing the quality and set a lower price than competitors. So that customers or consumers remain loyal to the company.




Material adalah sebuah bahan yang membuat suatu benda. Terdapat 5 bahan dasar. Kebanyakan benda terbuat dari bahan – bahan ini. Beberapa benda terbuat dari logam. Beberapa benda terbuat dari kaca. Beberapa benda terbuat dari kayu. Beberapa benda terbuat dari kain. Dan beberapa benda terbuat dari plastik. Ada beberapa macam bahan lain. Tetapi mereka tidak digunakan sebanyak 5 bahan ini.

Mari bicara tentang logam terlebih dahulu. Logam sangat berat. Dan logam sangat keras dan kuat. Logam biasanya terasa dingin jika Anda menyentuhnya. Kita menggunakan logam untuk membuat banyak macam benda. Kita menggunakannya untuk membuat garpu dan pisau. Kita menggunakannya untuk membuat kunci. Kita menggunakannya untuk membuat mobil. Kita menggunakan logam untuk membuat benda – benda ini karena sangat kuat.

Selanjutnya, mari bicara tentang kaca. Kaca sangat halus. Kaca rasanya dingin jika disentuh. Kaca tidak seberat logam. Kaca itu keras. Tetapi tidak kuat. Kaca sangat mudah pecah! Lalu, kenapa kita menggunakan kaca? Kita menggunakannya karena kaca itu tembus pandang! Anda dapat melihat melalui kaca! Itulah mengapa kita menggunakannya untuk jendela. Itu juga mengapa kita menggunakannya untuk kacamata.

Sekarang, mari bicara tentang kayu. Kayu lebih ringan dari logam dan kaca. Kayu tidak sekuat logam. Namun lebih kuat daripada kaca. Kita menggunakan kayu untuk membuat banyak macam benda. Benda – benda yang terbuat dari kayu biasanya ringan, keras, dan kuat. Kursi dan meja terbuat dari kayu. Pensil juga terbuat dari kayu.

Sekarang, mari bicara tentang kain. Kain sangat ringan. Kain lebih ringan daripada kayu. Dan kain sangat lembut. Kita menggunakan kain untuk membuat banyak macam benda. Contohnya, kain digunakan untuk membuat pakaian. Kain juga digunakan untuk membuat selimut.

Terakhir, mari bicara tentang plastik. Plastik juga sangat ringan. Tetapi, plastik berbeda dengan kain. Terkadang plastik itu lembut. Dan terkadang plastik juga keras. Plastik dapat digunakan untuk membuat kantong plastik yang tipis. Plastik yang digunakan ringan, lembut dan kuat. Tetapi plastik juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat helm sepeda. Plastik yang digunakan ringan, keras, dan juga kuat. Sebuah helm dan sebuah kantong plastik terlihat berbeda. Tetapi keduanya sama – sama terbuat dari plastik.

1. In this passage, we learn about a 5 different materials. Which of these materials do you think is best? Why?

Answer : I think, metal is the best material. It is because metal are very hard and strong. And metal is not break easily. So we can make a thing that hard and strong using metal without worry about breaks easily. Although it will feel heavy.

2. In this passage, we learn about a 5 different materials. Which of these materials do you think is worst? Why?

Answer : I think, glass is the worst material. It is because glass breaks very easily. Glass is hard, but it is not strong. We can use glass for making several things only. If glass breaks, it will be very dangerous because it will hurt.

Abstrak PI Bahasa Inggris





Rachmat Sunarya, 15212835 EFFECT OF COMPETITIVE STRATEGY SWOT ANALYSIS USING THE IMPROVEMENT OF SALES IN. TDLABS INDONESIA PI. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University Gunadarma Keywords: Analysis of the competitive strategy with a SWOT analysis on PT.TDLABS INDONESIA (x + 41 + Appendix) Enterprises managerial strategy is to cultivate the power of companies to exploit the business opportunities that arise in order to achieve company goals that have been set according to the mission that has been determined. PT. TDLABS Indonesia is one of the many companies of household appliances will see their competitive rivalry, especially in the sales sector, so PT. Indonesia TDLABS manejerial feel to fix the system and the distribution system, even if the actual PT. TDLABS Indonesia has a wide enough market share. With increasing competition in the business of PT. TDLABS INDONESIA tersadar.dan hope these changes are expected to the company’s performance will be better than before, so the company is able to compete with other competitors, especially in the sales sector. From the research results can be concluded that the right marketing strategy undertaken by PT. TDLabs Indonesia in increasing sales today is using Strategy Aggressive (growth), this shows the condition of the companies that are in quadrant 1, which uses the power or excellence which is owned enterprises, covering system companies, products and secure a good, good service quality, good marketing, product marketing, strategic location, and financial condition. Meanwhile, according to SWOT matrix analysis in peroleg value of 4.90 that is SO strategy that has the best value (best-value) Bibliography (2001 -2010)


Bisnis Sorum Motor

Astra Honda Motor menawarkan konsep subdealer dengan nama Kios Honda. Modal pendiriannya relatif kecil dan balik modalnya cepat.

Para pengendara sepeda motor sepertinya cuma memiliki satu musuh: hujan. Bila hari cerah, ketimbang kena macet di dalam mobil plus kegerahan di kendaraan umum, banyak orang memilih menunggangi sepeda motor. Apalagi kendaraan roda dua itu terasa lebih hemat. Pas dengan keadaan negara ini yang sedang mengalami krisis BBM.

Ya, kuda besi itu kini benar-benar telah menjadi andalan di jalan. Para produsen sepeda motor pun menyunggingkan senyum manis melihat penjualan sepeda motor yang terus meningkat pesat dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagai gambaran, tahun lalu realisasi penjualan sepeda motor mencapai 3,6 juta unit. Tahun ini Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia (AISI) menargetkan penjualan 5 juta sepeda motor, alias naik 38%.

Dengan penjualan sebanyak itu, bisa terbayang betapa basahnya bisnis ini. Wow, puluhan triliun rupiah, Jack! Jangan cuma terkagum-kagum melihat angka ini. Anda pun bisa turut mencicipi nikmatnya bisnis sepeda motor ini. Salah satu caranya: membuka usaha dealer kecil-kecilan lewat sistem channeling seperti yang ditawarkan Suzuki, Yamaha, maupun Kawasaki (KONTAN, edisi 20 Oktober 2003).

Kini, selain tiga merek motor Jepang itu, kini terbuka pula peluang Anda untuk menjadi subdealer sepeda motor Honda. Seperti kita tahu, hingga saat ini Honda merupakan market leader sepeda motor di Indonesia. Pada kuartal pertama 2005 lalu, si roda bersayap ini menguasai 54% pangsa pasar sepeda motor di Indonesia.

Kendati masih merajai pasar, agaknya persaingan yang ketat di bisnis kendaraan roda dua ini memicu Honda untuk menyusul para pesaingnya yang sudah lebih dulu turun ke jalur channeling. Jadilah baru-baru ini PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) menawarkan usaha dealer yang disebut Kios Honda. “Ini untuk mendekatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, khususnya di daerah pinggiran dan pelosok yang belum terjangkau dealer,” jelas Kristanto, General Manager Corporate Communication Division AHM.

“Kalau disuruh untuk meng-cover sendiri, sepertinya tidak laik dari sisi bisnis. Penjualannya cuma sedikit,” timpal Edi Setiawan, Senior Manager Deputy Marketing Dept. Head PT Wahana Makmur Sejati. Wahana adalah dealer utama Honda untuk wilayah Jakarta dan Tangerang.

Lebih untung kalau kreditan

Bila tertarik menjadi penjual sepeda motor keluaran Honda, persiapkanlah diri Anda. Syarat untuk membuka Kios Honda enggak sulit-sulit amat. Modal utamanya, Anda harus mempunyai ruangan yang memadai untuk memajang sepeda motor. Tempatnya bisa menyewa atau milik sendiri. Oh, ya, sesuai dengan namanya, Anda dilarang memajang sepeda motor merek lain di Kios Honda.

Setelah itu, Anda akan mengalami seleksi yang cukup ketat oleh dealer Honda. Maklum, tadinya Kios Honda memang tidak dibuka bagi umum, tapi hanya untuk perpanjangan dealer doang. Tapi, karena beberapa dealer mempunyai keterbatasan jaringan, akhirnya masyarakat umum pun bisa memiliki Kios Honda.

Setelah seluruh tetek-bengek persyaratan terpenuhi, dealer nanti akan membekali Kios Honda dengan spanduk, umbul-umbul, dan brosur.

Selanjutnya, dealer akan meminjamkan minimal lima unit sepeda motor untuk dipajang di kios. Kalau ada pembeli, pemilik kios akan mengirimkan permintaan itu ke dealer via faksimili. Jika pembelian kredit, pihak dealer akan meneliti kelayakan permintaan pembelian kredit itu. Untuk pembelian kredit, konsumen bisa memilih kredit dari perusahaan pembiayaan Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha (WOM), Federal International Finance (FIF), atau lainnya tergantung “kebiasaan” si dealer induk.

Kalau permintaan itu disetujui, si dealer langsung mengirimkan sepeda motor kepada pembeli. Lo, jadi pemilik kios hanya jadi perantara? Betul sekali. Fungsi Kios Honda ini memang mirip-mirip makelar.

Untuk satu unit sepeda motor yang laku, pemilik Kios Honda akan mendapatkan fee antara Rp 400.000 sampai Rp 600.000. Tapi, kalau pembeli membayarnya secara tunai, persenannya lebih kecil, di bawah Rp 300.000. Eit…, ini masih fee kotor, lo, belum dipotong dengan diskon atau hadiah yang diberikan Kios Honda. Nah, biasanya pemilik kios mengambil fee yang menjadi haknya itu dari dealer setiap dua pekan sekali atau sebulan sekali.

Harus mampu mengejar target

Yang harus diperhatikan, pemilik kios tak bisa seenaknya duduk-duduk santai di kiosnya. Sebab, untuk tahap awal, dealer membebani Kios Honda dengan penjualan sebanyak 20 unit sebulan. “Jumlah ini untuk meng-cover biaya operasional,” tandas M. Fakhrid Syaifullah, Direktur PT Arisma Dawindo Sarana (ADS), dealer Honda wilayah Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.

Menurut Fakhrid, kalau satu Kios Honda bisa jualan dalam jumlah segitu, dalam tempo lima bulan sudah bisa balik modal. “Kalau bisa jual 30 unit sebulan, dalam hitungan 3-4 bulan sudah bisa balik modal,” cetusnya.

Nah, sulitkah mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan dealer itu? Agaknya tidak. Tengok saja Kios ADS I yang terletak di bilangan Ciganjur, Jakarta Selatan. Bulan pertama beroperasi, Mei lalu, kios ini sudah mampu melego 20 unit sepeda motor. “Kami kan letaknya strategis dan dekat mesjid. Jadi, kalau habis salat dan Jumatan kan bisa terlihat,” ujar Nurhayati, sales counter di sana.

Tapi, ada juga Kios Honda yang belum mampu memenuhi target tersebut. Sebut saja Kios Honda Ramayana di bilangan Joglo, Jakarta Barat. Bulan pertama beroperasi pada Juni lalu, kios ini memang mampu memperoleh pesanan sebanyak 20 unit. Tapi, dari jumlah itu yang dikabulkan hanya 8 unit sepeda motor. Adapun pembelian 8 unit sepeda motor lagi ditolak oleh FIF dan dealer. Adapun 4 unit sepeda motor sisanya baru dikirim bulan ini. “Enggak sempat ngejar bulan Juni,” ungkap Suseno, sang pemilik kios.

Namun, ia tak patah arang. Suseno bertekad, untuk menjadi besar harus dimulai dari yang kecil, seperti kios ini. “Peluangnya masih besar, Honda kan pemimpin pasar,” ujar Suseno yang sudah sembilan tahun berkarier pada perusahaan otomotif.

Untuk itu, selain menyebarkan brosur, ia akan memanfaatkan jaringan yang sudah dibangunnya selama berkarier di dunia otomotif. Ia yakin, bulan depan, kiosnya sudah bisa memenuhi penjualan yang ditargetkan oleh dealer induknya, PT Ramayana Begawan Putrajaya.

Menurut Suseno, usaha semacam ini perlu membuat semacam dana cadangan. “Kalau target yang dibebankan tak tercapai,” cetusnya. Maka, Suseno pun tetap bisa tenang saat ia gagal memenuhi targetnya. Maklum ia sudah mempersiapkan dana cadangan sebesar Rp 5 juta atau setengah dari investasi yang telah ia tanamkan.

Bisnis Ternak Kelinci

TERNAK KELINCI ~ Adalah Nuning Priyatna yang kemudian rela pensiun dini setelah usaha kecil ternak kelinci yang diawali dari sekedar hobi berhasil meraup keuntungan hingga Rp. 40 juta / bulan. Meski di awali dari sekedar hobi, namun apabila di tekuni ternyata mampu menjadi satu bisnis rumahan yang sangat menguntungkan. ( Baca juga : Peluang Usaha Yang Berawal Dari Hobi )
Untuk memperjelas peluang usaha ternak kelinci ada baiknya saya coba untuk memberikan analisa usaha ternak kelinci agar anda bisa mempertimbangkan bisnis ini dengan pertimbangan laba rugi yang jelas. dan beikut penjelasan singkat mengenai

Peluang bisnis Ternak Kelinci Modal Kecil

peluang usaha ternak kelinci

Analisa Usaha Ternak Kelinci

Biaya Produksi Usaha Kelinci
a. Perlengkapan kandang Rp. 1.000.000,-
b. Bibit induk 20 ekor @ Rp. 30.000, Rp. 600.000,-
c. Pejantan 3 ekor @ Rp. 20.000,- Rp. 60.000,-
d. Pakan ƒ Sayur + rumput Rp. 1.000.000,- ( anda bisa menghematnya dengan mencari rumput sendiri )
e. Obat obatan Rp. 500.000
Jumlah biaya produksi Rp. 2.160.000,-
2. Pendapatan Usaha Kecil Kelinci
Kelahiran hidup/induk/tahun = 31 ekor
a. Bibit: 20 x 15 x Rp. 30.000,- Rp. 9.000.000,-
b. Kelinci potong 20 x 15 x Rp. 50.000,- Rp. 15.000.000,-
Jumlah pendapatan Rp. 24.000.000,-
3. Keuntungan Rp. 21.840.000,-
Hasil di atas adalah menurut perhitungan umum dengan meniadakan biaya pekerja serta tidak menghitung keuntungan tambahan dari penjualan bulu dan feses atau kotoran kelinci. keuntungan Peluang Usaha Ternak Kelinci Modal Kecil

Cara Budidaya Ternak Kelinci

1. Pembuatan Kandang
Menurut pengalaman yang telah banyak dilakukan suhu idel dari ternak kelinci adalah 21° C, sementara untuk ukuran kandang adalah 200x70x70 cm dengan tinggi alas 50 cm dengan kepadatan untuk 12 ekor betina/10 ekor jantan. Kandang anak (kotak beranak) ukuran 50x30x45 cm.
2. Pembibitan
Pada proses pembibitan maka anda di wajibkan untuk memilih jenis bibit yang harus anda sesuaikan dengan tujuan anda, misalkan jika anda memelihara kelinci untuk mengambil hasil utama berupa bulu maka anda pilihlah jenis kelinci Angora. sementara itu untuk jenis Belgian, Californian, Flemish Giant, Havana, Himalayan & New Zealand merupakan ternak yang cocok dipelihara.
Pada tahapan ini anda perlu memilih bibit dengan kualitas terbaik karena pemilihan bibit akan sangat menentukan nasib bisnis ternak kelinci anda. Untuk itulah dalam memilih bibit haruslah di lakukan dengan cara yang seksama mulai dari tingkat kesehatan bibit, fertilitas atau tingkat kesuburan bibit dan umur. Secara umum bibit betina dapat dikawinkan pada saat umur 6-7 bulan, semantara untuk kelinci jantan idealnya pada umur 5-6 bulan. ( lihat sumber )
3. Pemeliharaan
Untuk pemeliharaan kelinci tidaklah sulit, sama seperti anda memelihara kambing atau tenak herbivora yang lain. bedanya adalah kelinci sangat riskan mati karena predator, karena biasanya kelinci ketika akan melahirkan maka akan membuat lubang di tanah. Untuk mengakalinya anda harus membuat lubang buatan sehingga tidak sampai membuat lubang di tanah.
Anda juga perlu memperhatikan bagaimana mengatasi berbagai penyakit yang mungkin menyerang seperti bisul, kudis, eksim dll. pemberian pakan tidak ada aturan jelas dan pasti, namun yang terpenting adalah terjadwal sehingga asupan gizi kelinci tidak berkurang.
Untuk pemeliharaan anak kelinci anda bisa melakukan cara di bawah ini :
Setelah si induk betina melahirkan ( biasanya pada masa kehamilan 1 bulan ), perhatikan kondisi si bayi kelinci, asupan makanan harus eru di perhatikan.Pada minggu pertama, bayi kelinci tidak berbulu, buta dan tuli, minggu kedua, mata bayi kelinci sudah mulai terbuka serta tumbuhnya bulu, pada usia 10- 11 hari, mata kelinci sudah dapat digunakan untuk melihat. Sejak lahir, induk kelinci akan menyusui anaknya sebanyak 2 kali, yaitu pada pagi dan sore hariPada usia 17 – 18 hari,bayi kelinci sudah mulai bisa bergerak, meloncat dan keluar dari kotak. Pada usia 20 – 21 hari, bayi kelinci akan mulai makan seperti induknya.
Bagaimana menurut anda? apakah peluang usaha ternal kelinci ini menggiurkan bagi anda. Apapun peluang usaha nya, yang penting anda harus yakin pada peluang usaha tersebut sehingga anda bisa tekun dan sabar dan secara otomatis anda akan mendapatkan hasil dari peluang usaha tersebut secepatnya.
Sumber :

– See more at:

Bisnis Konter HP

Dalam menentukan jenis usaha dengan modal kecil namun dengan penghasilan yang stabil sudah tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk segera diputuskan, karena masih harus mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor-faktor penentu yang turut mendukung kelancaran usaha tersebut, karena bila saja tidak malah akan mendatangkan kerugian.

Beberapa faktor-faktor tersebut antara lain:
– Kemauan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan.
– Konsisten dalam rangka menjalankan Usaha.

Pada akhirnya Modal yang sangat besar diperlukan adalah komitmen dan kemauan dari diri sendiri untuk mendapatkan penghasilan hanya dengan bermodal kecil.
Banyak orang berfikir bahwa untuk membuka suatu usaha, maka akan dibutuhkan modal yang sangat besar. Ini merupakan pola fikir yang sempit yang dapat menghambat suatu proses kemajuan pada diri sendiri.
Sedikit mengingatkan kembali ketika kita masih mendapatkan pendidikan disekolah atau dibangku kuliah, sering kita mendengar dan mempelajari dalam mata pelajaran atau pun mata kuliah selalu diajarkan rumus-rumus usaha. Mungkin diantara kita ada yang masih ingat dan ada yang sudah lupa.
Oke..untuk mengingatkan kembali bagi yang sudah lupa.
W= F.s
Dimana :
W = Usaha.
F = Gaya.
S = Jarak.

Mungkin ada yang bertanya : “ Apa hubungannya rumus yang diatas dengan Usaha yang akan saya jalani?”.

OK, pertanyaan yang bagus, disini saya akan coba menjelaskan hubungan antara rumus diatas dengan usaha yang akan dijalani.

F= Gaya : Hal ini dapat kita identikkan dengan seberapa besar cara kita dalam usaha.
Contoh : 1. Ingin melamar pekerjaan di kantoran, Maka harus bergaya layaknya orang kantoran. Singkatnya, kita akan berusaha untuk memiliki pakaian yang layak untuk bekerja di kantor, dan mencoba menyelesaikan pekerjaan dikantor dengan sebak-baiknya dengan kemampuan skill yang kita miliki, karena kalau tidak pastinya akan ditegur oleh atasan ataupun diberhentikan dari pekerjaan kita.

S= Jarak : Hal ini dapat kita identikkan dengan jarak kita untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut.
Contoh : 2. Ingin membuka warung di tempat yang sepi akan sangat berbeda dengan membuka warung ditempat yang ramai. Singkatnya, Jarak akan kita perhitungkan dengan pembeli sehingga banyak orang membuka warung ditempat yang ramai, dengan perhitungan memperpendek jarak kita dalam membuka warung dengan pembeli.
Dari uraian diatas, sangat jelas sewaktu kita ingin membuka usaha, bahwa Maju mundurnya usaha tersebut adalah dari dalam diri kita sendiri.

Baiklah kembali ke judul kita.
Untuk jenis usaha yang saya maksudkan dibawah ini, ada jenis usaha yang sudah pernah saya jalani maupun jenis usaha yang dijalani oleh teman saya.
Jenis usaha yang saya maksudkan:

*Buka Counter penjualan Pulsa* (saya sebut dgn Management saling membantu)

Baiklah, mari kita coba analisa satu persatu.
1. Buka counter penjualan pulsa :
Banyak orang menghabiskan modalnya sampai puluhan juta rupiah hanya membuka satu counter pulsa. Hal ini tidak masalah bagi yang punya modal besar, namun bagi orang yang memiliki modal kecil….wah..susah bro…!!!.
Trus caranya bagaimana?:
Anda memiliki kerabat, teman & keluarga bukan?.
Kebanyakan sehari-hari selalu saja ada dari kerabat, teman & keluarga kita yang tinggal di rumahnya, entah itu istrinya, adiknya ataupun orang tuanya yang biasanya hanya mengurus pekerjaan rumah.
Nah, anda dapat membuka counter pulsa dirumahnya tersebut, Hitung2 bagi hasil dengan pemilik rumah sehingga mereka juga mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan. Jadi sekalian membuka lapangan pekerjaan juga…

Trus Modalnya Berapa? :
Pengalama saya untuk modal kecil, hanya dibutuhkan modal sbb:
1. Estalase kecil : Rp.400.000 (2mX1m)..kalau lebih kecil pasti lebih murah.
2. Handphone : Rp.250.000 (Nggak perlu biaya klo pake HP yang punya rumah)
3. Deposit pulsa : Rp.100.000 – Rp.300.000 (tergantung keinginan).
4. Kartu Perdana : Rp. 100.000 – Rp.300.000 /all operator (tergantung keinginan)
Accessories untuk Handphone dapat ditambahkan jika dibutuhkan, karena biasanya jarang ada yang beli…yaa dari pada matiin modal, yaa mending ditahan aja ga usah beli dulu.

Keuntungan dengan system seperti ini :
1. Anda tidak perlu memikirkan gaji karyawan. (soalnya bagi hasil sama tuan rumah yang sekalian jagain counter pulsanya).
2. Anda tidak perlu memikirkan biaya sewa toko.
3. Anda tidak perlu memikirkan biaya listrik & sebagainya.
4. Adanya hubungan emosional antara tuan rumah yang jagain counter dengan para tetangga ataupun kerabatnya, sehingga orang yang ingin berbelanja akan enggan pergi berbelanja ke tempat lain.
5. Lebih dipercaya cepat mendatangkan pembeli ketimbang system jual pulsa yang banyak berkembang di internet seperti sekarang ini.
6. Bagi pemodal, merupakan penghasilan tambahan bagi orang yang sudah bekerja.
7. Membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi orang lain.

Kerugian dengan system seperti ini :
1. Harus diperlukan kontrol yang ketat ( kunjungan di pagi hari dan sore hari untuk memastikan semua berjalan dengan baik).

Pembagian keuntungan perhari dapat dilakukan dengan pola : 40% : 40 % : 20%
Dengan asumsi :
– 40 % keuntungan / hari buat sang pemilik modal.
– 40 % Keuntungan / Hari buat yang jagain counter.
– 20 % Keuntungan / Hari untuk pengembangan modal.

Jadi jika kita memiliki 10 counter penjualan pulsa dengan system seperti ini, dengan asumsi kentungan perhari Rp.30.000/counter.
Maka: 40% X Rp.30.000 = Rp.12.000/ counter
Jika 10 counter = Rp.12.000 X 10 = Rp.120.000/hari.
Setiap hari dapat Rp.120.000 hanya dengan control di pagi hari dan sore hari…hmmm nice.
Dari system ini dapat di simpulkan bahwa kita sudah memenuhi rumus yang S yakni, kita memperpendek jarak kita dengan pembeli, sementara untuk rumus F dipenuhi dari kontrol kita setiap hari.

Dapat membuka Konter penjualan pulsa dengan modal lebih kecil dari Rp.1.000.000 / counter dan lebih efisien dalam usaha ketimbang membuka counter penjualan pulsa dengan modal minimal Rp.5.000.000 s/d Rp. 10.000.000./counter.

Demikianlah untuk satu jenis usaha yang hanya memerlukan modal kecil.Semoga bermamfaat.

sumber :